We are excited to share with everyone that we are soon to have a new, more spacious space to share the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd with children and adults.

After lengthy negotiations with the Archdiocese of Perth we have finally managed to secure a long term lease on a premises in Scarborough. This has been out of use for some time and requires some major renovations to suit our needs. However, once completed we will be able to offer Catechesis for children from 0-12+, and have a good space for running formation and retreats, as well as a beautiful chapel space.

Our plan is to have the renovations completed by the end of 2022 so that we can move over the Summer break into our new space.
With our new space there will be new challenges such as fundraising to cover costs involved with the bigger space. As always we continue to work hard and pray hard and trust in Jesus the Good Shepherd to guide us and send us the help we need to continue to offer this precious work.
We invite all of our supporters and friends to continue to travel with us on this wonderful adventure in listening to God with children.